Saturday, 28 August 2010

Gareth Williams Murder: Still No Idea. Oh, But It May Not Be Murder

"MI6 Murder: Was it a serial killer?" asks The Sun.
The eternal anonymous "source" says; "We are checking all the files to see if there is a link. The fear is that this is the beginning or part of a series of attacks."
So it could be "a serial killer" who's only killed one person?
Or maybe not; "The murder team will also speak to cops who worked on the unsolved garotting of pre-op transsexual Kellie Telesford, 39, in South London in 2007."
Good for them.
The Daily Mail have a new lead; "Thousands of pounds mysteriously moved through the bank account of murdered MI6 spy Gareth Williams in the fortnight before his death."
At least they had the decency to warn readers; "There could also be a perfectly innocent explanation."
In The Times we learn; "Investigators, led by the Metropolitan Police’s Homicide and Serious Crime Command with the security-vetted Counter Terror Command (SO15) in a lesser role, have dismissed outright many of those allegations."
Sorry, there's been so many, could you tell me which ones?
"There was no evidence of contact with male escorts, and that no sado-masochistic gear had been found in his Pimlico flat. Claims that Mr Williams had been stabbed and dismembered were also untrue, they said."
Oh, hang on... Tucked away at the end we learn something that's rather important; "Police have refused to class Mr Williams’ death as murder, saying only that it was “suspicious and unexplained”."
Perhaps the most honest comment on this sad and sorry saga comes from whoever wrote the photocaption in The Daily Mail.
"Mysterious demise: The fate of MI6 spy Gareth has been the subject of some lurid debate in the absence of any solid information."

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