Wednesday 13 August 2014

Vicky Beeching: Who?

As Beeching jumps into a waiting taxi, I think of all the young gay Christians who have spoken out over the years, who've told of their loneliness, their depression, the "cures" they sought, the suicides they attempted, and all who might hear Beeching's story and feel less alone, and I whisper under my breath, for them, two words: thank you.

Patrick Strudwick cements his reputation as the most pious, insincere and phoney boo hoo squish squish sad face merchant of all time in this dull article about a deluded god-bothering non-entity.

Hold Patrick now while he weeps for the world!

Pass the sickbag, Jesus.

1 comment:

  1. Fuck he's horrific, you'd expect this poor-gay-victim shit from certain kinds of straight people, its so embarrassing!
