Thursday 21 August 2014

Richard Dawkins: The Gay Delusion

Graphic by the young, left-wing, queer atheist blogger Alex Gabriel.
Richard Dawkins is back in the news again after causing great offence on Twitter AGAIN, this time arguing for aborting foetuses with Down's Syndrome.

Odd though how little his UTTERLY BARKING THEORIES on the survival of 'the gay gene' so often get overlooked when people catalogue his more ludicrous ideas.

PS See also Would you let parents destroy 'gay' embryos?, Mary Wakefield, The Spectator, March 2014.


  1. Plainly, you are not a scientist. These are reasonable explanations as to why a gene that, if it exists, is largely a biological cul de sac, has not died out.

    1. With respect, they are not rational, they are silly.

    2. With respect, Dawkins is a world renowned Biologist and expert in genetics. You may or may not possess a GCSE in Biology. It's like someone who once contributed a paragraph to the parish magazine judging Newspaper of the Year.

    3. And with respect, why are us lesser mortals not allowed to point out when we think 'a world-renowned biologist' is talking balls?

      What about all the other world-renowned scientists who disagree with Dawkins on this, or on anything else?

      Are they all right?

      On account of them being 'world-renowned'?

      Please stop showing such intellectual deference and start thinking for yourself.


  2. And with respect, you can point out whatever you like, but you have no credibility on the subject. Please cite which world renowned scientists agree with you.

    All you have done is dismiss Dawkins' theories as "barking" without one word of explanation as to why. Have you considered that the reason people don't mention these theories as being ludicrous is because they are not and you don't have a clue what you are talking about?

    You are as bad as Prince Charles and the homeopaths or the climate change deniers.

    1. You're making yourself look increasingly silly.

      By your logic no-one can say fascism is wrong unless they have a master's degree in political science.

      Think you and Dorkins are closer to homoeopathy and climate change denial, as you're arguing for something for which there is no proof.


    2. Fascism and genetic theory are completely different things. We can all play the by your logic game. By your logic, you don't need to have any knowledge or understanding to perform brain surgery.

      When I read your statement that Dawkins' theories were utterly barking, I expected to see something like the gay gene gives men bigger penises, so women have sought out gay men for sex throughout the ages. Instead he postulates some theories which though highly speculative are also entirely plausible. You clearly don't understand the meaning of barking or anything about the subject.

      It is you who are making yourself look silly. You haven't given one reason why these theories are so ridiculous, nor can you cite anyone who agrees with you. It's just your opinion, which you can't be bothered to justify. You are exactly the same as homeopaths or worse; people who spout drivel such as immigrants get all the best housing. They have no idea whether it’s true and can't back up their assertion, but they are sure of being right.

      Their response to their ideas being challenged is the same as yours too. Insults. Calling Dawkins Dorkins, just reveals that you are a bigot. Well if that is the level of debate that you aspire to, here goes. These unjustifiable attacks on people who are basically on the same side make you look like a bitter, bitchy old queen, spitting venom from the sidelines. I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks "idiot" when I read this drivel and it lowers the credibility of the rest of your blog.

    3. Again... defend his 'gay uncle' theory.

      Whilst I die of laughter.

    4. Oh and the list of scientists, academics and researchers etc who think evolutionary psychology is a joke is very, very long...

  3. Dear Fagburn,

    In crass stupidity you've really topped yourself. Sadly only figuratively.

    1. Be interested in hearing you trying to defend what he argued.

  4. Be interested in how you defend Dorkins saying gay men are gay cause some people in the Stone Age had gay uncles.

    Cause that makes sense.
