Saturday 23 August 2014

Brighton: Notorious Gay Dogging Site

Fagburn gets the impression no-one at the Daily Star has a clue what goes on at this 'notorious gay dogging site'.

Or, indeed, what the action looks like.

Oi! Gay men do not go dogging - FFS, we have some standards!

Further, the story is based not on how 'FAMILIES hit out at a council', but a story in the Argus yesterday where a gay man complained about the poor lighting down the Bushes.

The Daily Mail is also not happy - and Mail Online readers are MAD AS HELL! 

How disgusting, if my husband and I went for a quickie behind the bushes and got caught, they would throw away the key. etc etc.

But it's not all homophobes...

Joyless gayers for UKIP - YAY!