Thursday 14 August 2014

Edinburgh: There Goes The Neighbourhood

Now which do you consider the more important story; two posh queens not liking some working-class people moving nearby (and they haven't moved yet, such is their misery), or thousands of Yazidis being trapped on a mountain?

PS 'There are thousands fewer there than estimated previously, and those who remain are in a better state than expected,' said the US State Department, after so nobly bombing them in their name.
The number of people on Mount Sinjar has now been reduced from 50,000 to 'thousands'.


  1. The Independent might have got its priorities wrong, but that is no reason to belittle the homophobic abuse suffered by two "posh queens". Having bricks through your windows or your car damaged may be your idea of harmless young scamps letting off some steam, but its hardly disliking "working class people living nearby". Perhaps you would like to print your address and car registration number in your blog.

  2. Suffered this shit myself15 August 2014 at 17:14

    I am with Anonymous on this. Fagburn is being his usual sneery cunt self. Having been at the sharp end of a stick on this issue I can report having chav scum hurling abuse at you everytime you walk in or out of you home is very stressful

    So, fagburn please do let us have your address and I will ensure some nice working class scamp types visit you.

  3. Wow, fagbum more concerned about the language used by the victim above in describing his assailants, than the ordeal suffered by this man.

    I assume fagbum has never suffered at the hands of a gang of homophobic yoofs hanging out outside his home. That's easily rectified Fagbum old chap - Walk a mile in my shoes before passing judgement etc. So, how about it fagbum, money where mouth is etc. give us all your address and I am sure I can find some stalwart sons of moronicness to hang around outside your home and hurl abuse at you everytime you enter or leave.


  4. Some years ago now, I lived in a 'nice' part of Edinburgh, the New Town. I was driven to move house by exactly the sort of behaviour described in the article in the Independent. I can tell you that it was an awful experience which cost me a lot financially and emotionally. I don't give a monkey's about the priorities of newspaper editors. I feel very concerned for the two so called 'posh queens'.
