Thursday 28 August 2014

How Not To React When Your Child Tells You That He's Gay: Really Awful

Since this video was posted on YouTube on Wednesday it has, as they say, gone viral.
Over 750,000 views now and counting.
Every gay website and blog I've seen today has run it.
It shows an American Christian mom disowning her 19/20 year-old son, Daniel, because he's gay, telling him to move out of their home, and then his dad appears and attacks him.
It originally appeared on Reddit, posted by Rythymnight who says he is Daniel's boyfriend.
It's awful.
Really awful
It's also awful that there have been so many anti-gay horror stories in the gay media recently that have turned out to be hoaxes, I wondered if this one was really real.
I've recorded a dozen of these that have been run as fact and then corrected as fictions, everything from faked 'gaybashings' to teen suicides that never actually happened.
Hard to believe some (gay) people are so sick.
This one does look real, and not staged, but why was the boy filming all of it, why was he filming it in the first place, why don't we see anyone's face, and if his mother says she's known Daniel was gay since he was a little boy why is she only turning against him now?
I feel pretty shitty for being sceptical about this - things like this certainly happen - but can you blame me with the gay media's past record?

Update: The Advocate claim to have been in contact with an aunt of Daniel's who confirms the video's authenticity.

Update 2: And here's Daniel Pierce's Facebook page.


  1. Even if it is fake, I'm sure its still an accurate representation of scenes played out in many homes and serves as a useful reminder of the misery caused by religious bigotry.

    Still you're probably right that its better not publicise this stuff. Better to sit on twitter all day and take swipes at people who actually do something.

    1. 'Better to sit on twitter all day and take swipes at people who actually do something'

      That sounds like fun - I'll give it a try.


  2. How did she know he was always gay? Blimey he sounds like Danny La Rue.x.

  3. It is shitty but that's what you do. You hate gay people. You'll kick him yourself as soon as he doesn't give up his life to Chomsky. *Unless he becomes a Tory artist like Gilbert and George

  4. Hi, I'm a miserable queer and I'll prob b dead soon, but I approve of fagburn, so stfu

  5. Nah seriously, stop hating Fagburn, hes wonderful & if i wasnt stuck in Ireland Id ask him out
