Saturday, 4 May 2013

Queer Friends Of Bradley Manning: Statement

Bradley epitomises what every good queer should be: someone who sees injustice and doesn’t sit quietly on their behind waiting for someone else to make things better; someone who, against all odds, stands up and fights for the well being of others without concern for their own personal safety.
Where would the queer community be without people like Bradley? Where would San Francisco Pride be without people like Bradley? Indeed, where would Lisa Williams and her board be without people like Bradley?
When Lisa Williams said the board’s decision was ‘an error’, she was wrong. The decision to rescind Bradley’s place as honorary grand marshal was an insult, an insult to the queer community Bradley supported, an insult to Americans, the essence of which he epitomises absolutely; and finally, to Bradley himself, a modern day queer American hero who tried as best he could to try to make our pale blue dot a slightly nicer place on which to live knowing full well he faced a life in prison or possibly death...

Queer Friends Of Bradley Manning.

Bradley's trial begins on Monday June 3rd.
As well as various actions in the US, there will be a protest outside the US Embassy in London on Saturday June 1st.

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