Friday, 19 November 2010

Adoption Agency Closures: Doing The Math/s

Here's The Daily Mail today, returning to a favourite riff;
'Mixed-race adoption rules must be changed say ministers... but they duck fears over Christian discrimination'
"...the Coalition was silent about the rules that appear to be doing most to push down the number of children finding parents – the bar on adoption through Christian agencies that do not approve of gay rights."
"The number of children in care adopted by parents has dropped by 30 per cent since Labour’s Sexual Orientation Regulations brought homosexual equality rules into adoption law in 2007."
That's terrible.
But this drop clearly can not be blamed on the closure of Catholic adoption agencies.
Before the Sexual Orientation Regulations were passed it was estimated that; "The Catholic Church's agencies are said to handle 4%, or about 200, of all adoptions a year." (BBC News, January 23 2007))
On the day the law was introduced, five out of 11 of the Catholic-run agencies announced they were staying open and would comply with the law. (BBC News, January 1 2009)
In actual fact, only two agencies abandoned their adoption work - in addition, Catholic Care went to the courts to fight for its right to discriminate. (The Guardian, March 3 2010).
They lost in August and announced they are reconsidering their position. (The Guardian, August 19 2010). (Update: They say they are appealing the decision)
So two, perhaps three, out of the 11 Catholic agencies have stopped work on adoption.
As Catholic agencies were previously responsible for 4% of adoptions (200), a rough calculation would say these two/three agencies were probably responsible for less than 1% of UK adoptions.
Fagburn has the feeling the other 99% of adoption agencies may have been able to take up the shortfall.
Not to mention all the lesbian and gay couples who are now coming forward to adopt knowing they will no longer be discriminated against.

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