Sunday 14 November 2010

Toast: The TV Dinner Movie

Fagburn would like to be the first to say that he is disappointed by the BBC's adaptation of Nigel Slater's delightful memoir, Toast.
No, of course I haven't seen it.
Slater writes about his feelings about the programme in today's Observer Food Monthly.
Nigel is pictured above with Freddie Highmore, one of two actors playing young master Slater.
But if you love a book as much as I love Toast then isn't the overwhelming feeling about any kind of adaptation that they'll ruin it for you?
Fagburn dearly hopes that when the Beeb makes Toast they keep the book's all-important saltiness and sauce.


  1. I've not read the book but I'm really looking forward to this.
    Especially after the high praise the source received on here.
    This had better be good, Fagburn...

  2. The book's one of my favourites, but I couldn't possible comment on the TV adaptation.
    Judging from the OFM article and photos it concentrates on Helena Bonham-Carter camping it up as Nigel's "evil" stepmum.
