Tuesday 27 May 2014

The Soccerball: Who Actually Gives A Fuck?

I'm dying here...

PS The condensed read...

Fnar fnar etc.


  1. It's too late for guns. We need nukes.

  2. This is complete drivel. Who cares if a majority of football fans "support players thinking about coming out"? They aren't going to face the homophobic abuse. This a sport that handed it most prestigious event to Qatar, where homosexuality is illegal and whose repulsive Fifa President suggested gay fans should refrain from sex there. The idea that any footballers might be gay appears not to have crossed his mind.

  3. They should naturally assume all footballers are gay. Let's face it, the way the players have gradually morphed into preening male models just proves what football fans would never admit: they watch football coz they want hot cock and bum... and the boys who become professional footballers later on do so because they spend all the time the others do on girls, practising footer. Ergo, professional football is a cock-munching fag-fest!!!!
