Wednesday 28 May 2014

Fagburn: My Part In The Stonewall Riots

Good evening, Mr Fagburn.
'Good evening to you.'
Now, you are here today to tell us about how you started the Stonewall riots.
'Yes, I did.'
Was anyone else involved?
'Only Saint Peter of Tatchell as far as I can recall.'
Well done to you both - I have but one further question, everyone now says they were at the Stonewall riots.
'Your point being?'
You are making this up.
'Oops. Rumbled.'


  1. I was there with drag legend Betty 'Guzzles' Jizz (the Rosa Parks of the gay rights movement) and Alana Tuna (the Malcolm X of the gay rights movement)!
    Girl, when we heard Judy Finnigan had died we said "ENUFF!", threw a glass and kicked off the modern age of gay.

    1. You were so not there!
      I told you to come on down and you said you were washing your hair.
