Sunday 18 May 2014

Pink News: Vs Stonewall (Cont).

Pink News.

May you never advance a reasoned argument again, lady!

Hey, I posted a selfie of ME to go BOO to the Sultan of Brunei!

That's activism, yah.

They pretend to be angry, but can only express hegemony.

Quixotic, much?

Why did the gay media not complain about this connection before?

Do they complain about The Savoy?

That's owned by a billionaire beheading-loving Saudi prince.

They have a [theoretical] death penalty for sodomy, too.

Or what about those nice people who own The Ritz?

Why have they never mentioned this?

If it's suddenly so important to find an ethical five star London hotel to hold a swanky posh fundraising do.

Newsflash: You may search in vain for one.

Boo to those who want to think about complex arguments - which you must ignore - and who want to try and concentrate on doing things that might actually change things.


PS No 'gays' are going to be executed - get a grip!

1 comment:

  1. Ironic really, as this change of heart was no doubt prompted by an avalanche of emails and tweets announcing their authors' intentions to cancel their direct debits. Still not one word about the low paid workers at the Dorchester, some of whom might actually be gay.

    Will Stonewall be calling on Prince Harry to explain why he attended a bash at the Dorchester despite the boycott? Probably not, because that might upset the Queens who loved St Diana of Hearts and have a soft spot for the roguish Prince.
