Tuesday 20 May 2014

Putin: 'Gay Nazis'

The Advocate.

Fagburn has sent the esteemed 'Russian scholar', Dr Matthew Schmidt, four emails in three days asking for a source for this much-quoted in-no-way-made-up 'gay Nazis' quotation.
Oddly, a reply comes there none...
Still, it's about The Gays and Russia, why bother with facts?

This blogpost has been approved by Fagburn's Russian paymasters.


  1. It's genuinely fucking frightening how little effort is given to checking anything. Dangerous and depressing. I recently read a thing where it was asserted that the world is now one big fact-checking mechanism and that this is good for journalism. Er....

  2. It looks like Putin's developing a combover. Does this signify some great turn in Russian affairs?
