Wednesday 29 January 2014

Thought For The Day: Armistead Maupin

"I think many gay people, if they do it right, end up as superior human beings because they've gone through this experience of having to keep their mouths shut. They've learned to view all of humanity in such a way as to be more compassionate than the average straight person who was raised knowing that they are acceptable in the eyes of the church, the government and their families. Those of us who've had to make our own way have become stronger and kinder. If you're lucky."

Armistead Maupin interviewed in The Independent (by a gushing simpleton).

Update: Damian Barr hits the streets of San Francisco for the Tales Of The City tour in Saturday's Guardian. I have to concede this is a lovely piece, Toryboy!


  1. Unfortunately reality contradicts this.

  2. what a conceited steaming bag of sugary vanilla pus? glad i never read his pamphlets.
