Wednesday, 12 February 2014

The Daily Mail: On Drugs

How to read statistics: If you start off with a number that is small (12), saying it has gone up 800% when it has gone up to 97 is ridiculous hyperbole.
Especially when not all the deaths were solely caused by legal highs.
And statistically speaking, you're more likely to get pecked to death by a swan. *
Thanks for asking.

Well, I'm sure that'll have a massive effect on the number of people using it.
And, again, ketamine has never been used as a horse tranquiliser.
You might as well say it's a 'giraffe suppository'.
And I'd be extremely surprised if anyone was sent to prison for possession of a Class B drug.
Thanks for asking.

* In keeping with the high standards of journalists writing about drugs, I have made this 'fact' up.


  1. "Never been used as a horse tranquiliser" - but is apparently widely used as an anaesthetic for horses.

    1. Thanks - the idea it's used as a horse tranquiliser is a myth.
