Thursday, 20 February 2014

Frankie Goes To Hollywood: Come Again

My first introduction to Frankie Goes To Hollywood was the fruity 16 minute mix of 'Relax' that was essentially lots of samples of zips and "water". I can't say that at the age of 13 I was fully aware of what was going on, but something most definitely was. When I got around to see the video, it shed light – though not much light, dark rooms are dark for a reason – on a vision of SICK FILTH unseen before. It was probably my Starman moment. It was probably quite a few people's Starman moment. This wasn't the casual draping of an arm around another man. This was dirty and butch and involved a tiger....

Ian Wade pays tribute to the magic of FGTH on Quietus.
They have a new compilation album out, Frankie Said.
It is their tenth (at least).

PS Graingerboy writes for Polari on a record company recently telling him his album was "too Erasure", and "only really suitable for the gay market".

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