Friday 9 August 2013

Tories: Stop Section 28!

A Tory MP has sent out a press release saying he doesn't like a new Russian law which forbids "promoting" homosexuality and other deviant lifestyles, Fagburn can exclusively reveal.
"That was our idea," he said.

Update: Person makes silly joke about stupid Tory MP on Twitter, police called - a fool writes for Pink News.

Edit: Apparently this "death threat" - which it clearly wasn't - is national news!
Welcome to the new climate of hysteria.
And there was I thinking 'wasting police time' was a crime.


  1. This is what I call "blue-rinsing" - the Tory equivalent of pinkwashing - and as far as I'm concerned it just doesn't wash.

    1. It's ball,isn't it?
      Another Tory MP has just sent Pink News a press release about this.

  2. Yeah the Tories used to support slavery as well. Can't wait for Russia to bring that in.
