Friday 9 August 2013

One Direction: Gay Porn (Fiction)

can you please kick yourself in the ball for me please? BC IM SO MAD. You make this articles about larry shippers, and now we are gonna get SO MUCH hate you know that right? we HAVE feelings to. and some of us COMMIITTED SUICIED BC OF HOMOPHOBIC BUMHOLES LIKE YOU. are you like proud of yourself now? wow. good job you made me BELIEVE IN larry more now thank you for that. You and people like you DISGUST me. i CAN ship whatever the f i want. Just stop god. as soon as i saw "deluded" in your disgusting article i knew that modest paid you. STOP TRYING WE ARE KNOW THEYRE GAY FOR EACHOTHER.

A Directioner replies - rather eloquently - to a Daily Mirror article about 1D gay porn fan fiction.

PS: An eagle-eyed viewer has pointed out this image is of "Zarry", not "Larry". I knew that, dude!

Update: I thought this Channel 4 documentary. Crazy About One Direction, was very touching.
I love Pop fandom.
In fine the girls say; "We love the idea of 1D fucking each other, but want to kill any girl that goes out with them!"
This is the modern world.


  1. Wow, I've seen some badly written comments online but that masterpiece takes the prize. I know absolutely zero about One Direction - I assume Larry shippers means something ?

  2. Replies
    1. Yus. Apologies. That was the saucisest photo I could find.

  3. I sense a disturbance in the trolling force.

