Thursday 29 August 2013

Russell Tovey: Goes Gay!

Russell Tovey is joining the cast of Looking, HBO's upcoming half-hour dramedy about the lives of a group of gay men living in San Francisco, The Hollywood Reporter has learned.
Tovey, best known as werewolf George Sands on the hit BBC supernatural drama Being Human -- which later inspired a U.S. version on Syfy -- has been booked to play the recurring role of Kevin, an accomplished video game wunderkind who has achieved financial and critical success at a young age. Kevin, who is gay, works closely with Patrick, the show's lead, played by Jonathan Groff

The deal marks the first major U.S. role for 31-year-old Tovey, who is openly gay. The British actor has previously said that he veers away from playing gay roles, telling the Independent, "Every character I play is straight, which is unique, my agent says, because it’s not really been done before that someone who is completely out is able to play straight roles. So for me to play gay it has to be something special, because it might actually be more of a risk. So I’m waiting for that role -- I want it to be something that moves things forward."

Hollywood Reporter.

At last!
Can't wait.
Lovely Russell,
my lovely, lovely Russell.
Hope you flash your lovely bumbum

PS The pilot will be directed by Andrew Haigh, the dude who did Weekend. Jonathan Groff is some dude who does musicals, and used to do Zachary Quinto.


  1. Good news that he's playing gay, but sad news for us possibly as it could be his breakthrough in the US and he might move there and get an American boyfriend and never appear on UK TV again and he might become all yankified and lose all sense of perspective and the next thing we'll see him all orange and stretched and wearing a leopardskin leotard by a garish pool on Real Housewives of Bel Air. :'(

    1. I was surprised to learn he has a boyfriend, so his bumbum is booked for the forseeable future...

    2. I bet his boyfriend's a posho. He seems to be into art and expensive clothes, and not in a gay way but in a gay with "aspirations" way.
      I can see him getting married to a marquis or a baronet or a lord of the manor or a hooray henry and putting on airs and graces with a plum in his mouth. I bet he's already got the posho dating app Grind, Yah?
      All of which is academic, once the posho American gays get their manicured nails into him. Don't go, Russell! You'll just be a trophy rough for the Yale set! You'll be a male Imelda Marcos with a massive collection of Reebok Classics which you'll stare at wistfully and alone and wonder what could have been... Stay here, with us!! :(

  2. Can I just say I like fucking and if Russell wants to avail himself of my skills he is more than welcome to apply.

  3. Funny how he's doing this but his agents wouldn't even consider "Weekend" as a project. I guess it's the HBO/American incentive.
