Sunday 11 September 2011

Stonewall: Another Stupid Survey

"A YouGov survey, commissioned by the campaign group Stonewall, found that older gay and bisexual men are three times more likely to be single than heterosexual men.
"Just over a quarter of gay and bisexual men and half of lesbian and bisexual women have children compared with almost nine in every 10 heterosexual men and women. They were also less likely to see biological family members regularly. Less than a quarter of LGB people see their biological family members at least once a week, compared with more than half of heterosexual people according to the survey of 1,050 heterosexual and 1,036 LGB people over the age of 55."

The Observer.
I'll post a link to the report when it's released. [Here ya go!]
What most coverage of this has downplayed is it's only lesbians and gay men over 55.
This is an important and overlooked subject, of course.
But social surveys tend to be extremely unreliable anyway - people just say things that sound nice - especially when asking about "personal stuff" like this.
And if you're trying to find a representative sample of (out?) lesbians and gay men you're basically fucked.
Do more than half of heterosexual people really see their biological family members once a week?
Do a quarter of gay and bisexual men have children?
Do your own survey - ask your friends.
In no way is this survey laughable unscientific tosh.

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