Sunday 11 September 2011

9/11: Grief Porn

On September 11th 2001 24 thousand people died of hunger.
And five thousand people died of Aids.
So they started a war which killed 3,600 Afghans.
So they started another war which killed 601,000 Iraqis.
And they're still bombing Libya.
Please forgive me if I don't join in your sentimental stupid grief porn crap fest.

On The Justice Of Roosting Chickens - Ward Churchill.


  1. What a fucking stupid thing to say.

  2. There's no measure for the loss of human life, it's a horrific thing whatever the circumstances, besides, it's not exactly the fault of the people who died on september 11th that all those terrible things have happened is it?

  3. I just hate the way it's propagandised as the only thing bad that ever happened in history...

  4. Who exactly is doing that?
    And if someone is, so what? That doesn't take away from the disgusting things that happened.

  5. Errr, everyone...
    Did you read the Ward Churchill piece?

  6. Yes!
    What is point?

  7. Hi. Where did you get your stats for the hunger and AIDS related deaths? Thanks.

  8. I made them up to annoy you.

  9. It didn't annoy me.

    I work for The Independent and those facts you've presented have just saved me a whole lot of research.

  10. Thanks for the post. It's also annoying that all those front pages and media palaver about 'honouring' the tragedy are only ways to sell product, masked as piousness, but people I think take that garbage as the solemnity it appears to be.
