Sunday 18 September 2011

David Cameron: Thanks For Finally Stopping Kicking Me And My Friends, I Really Can't Thank You Enough!

A predictably noxious piece of historical revisionism in The Mail On Sunday by one of the running dogs of capitalism;
'How the Tories became the gay-friendly party: As the Government backs gay marriage, a unique – and surprising – insight into David Cameron’s thinking'
It's written by one Michael McManus.
Sadly not the legendary 70s pro-wrestler bloke, just some Tory Party lickspittle who's known David Cameron for 21 years.
"It was announced yesterday that our Conservative-led Government is going to put same-sex partnerships and traditional civil marriage on to the same footing. After centuries of inequality, gay people and straight people will at last be equal before the law, and the doctrine of ‘live and let live’ will have won the day.
"This has happened because David Cameron, a Tory Prime Minister, has driven the process forward."
That's nice, dear.
So what do we learn?

1. The Conservative Research Department, where both McManus and Cameron began their political careers, "had a reputation as a safe haven for Tory gays".

2. McManus "never heard David say a bad word against anyone on the grounds of their gender, race, sexuality – or indeed anything else. He always believed in good manners and considerate behaviour." Good for him!

3. "It was clear, with his very old-school background and upbringing, that if he had ever met a gay person he probably hadn’t even noticed." How thick must she be?

4. "Where David is a child of the traditional English stockbroker belt, George [Osborne] is metropolitan through and through. Unlike David, he intuitively understood the hurt Section 28 caused to thousands of people." There's nothing like snorting coke with hookers to broaden the mind, eh?

5. "In 2001 they both become MPs. As the new Tory leader, William Hague faced an uphill task. His main banner was over Europe and the euro but he also campaigned to keep Section 28 on the statute book. Whenever yet another anti-gay outburst was being planned, gay staff were told to stay at home." You've forgotten to mention David Cameron also campaigned to keep Section 28 on the statute book. Your account of Section 28 is also a farrago of crypto-fascist fictions.

6. "In 2001 the retention of Section 28 even went into the party manifesto. But after we Tories suffered our second landslide Election defeat at the hands of Tony Blair, a brave, liberal-minded MP decided that enough was enough and that all decent citizens deserved equal dignity and respect before the law. He was George Osborne." So you only decided to ditch the homophobia when you realised it had made you unelectable?

7. "[By 2003, Cameron's] close entourage already included several people who are gay and strongly committed to the cause of equality, notably his influential adviser Michael Salter." Gosh.

8. "When the Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons, Nigel Evans, told David a year ago that he was going to come out as gay, David expressed genuine surprise. As Nigel gamely admits, David must have been the only man in Westminster who didn’t already know." [ibid]

And, so, in conclusion?
"Yesterday’s announcement should make all Tories walk tall.
"It has been a long story, but the happy ending has come at last."

Deus ex fucking machina!


  1. This makes me sick.
    They've "allowed" or given fuck all to us.
    They've only changed their minds on the issue because of those who campaigned over the last 25 years in the face of an increasingly homophobic government - and as a result, SOCIETY CHANGED AROUND THEM - so they had no choice in the end.

  2. I agree with BK, it's all very well them patting themselves on the back about it, but if they think they've secured a large chunk of queer voters, they're wrong.

    I not going to thank or vote for someone who 'gave me' a right, that I should already have in the fucking first place!! Raise your game Cameron.
