Thursday 22 September 2011

Attitude: The Anti Gay Sex Issue

Err, why is Attitude running an article by the notorious homophobe and transphobe misandrist Julie Bindel please?
How controversial!
Still good to see Johann Hari's back.
Now so hamstrung he's reduced to writing about something so banal and hackneyed as "Are gay men too camp?"
Poor sod.
And a lip-glossed duckfaced coverboy with tanlines - how 80s!
Cock a doodle doo!!!


  1. Ouch! haha, brilliant.

    The constant sex issues are REALLY starting to get on my fucking nerves...

  2. I got mixed up for a second there, Julie Bindel and Julie Burchill are pretty much indistinguishable aren't they?

  3. "Let us do another sex issue about sex 'cause we've got no ideas and fuck all to say!!!"
