Saturday, 18 January 2014

Daily Mail: Russian Gay Propaganda Laws Bad, British Ones Good

Russian President Vladimir Putin says gays should feel welcome at the upcoming Winter Olympic Games in Sochi, but they must 'leave the children in peace'.
Mr Putin told volunteers today that gays visiting Sochi 'can feel calm and at ease,' and vowed that there would be no discrimination at the games.
But he emphasised that, according to a law banning homosexual 'propaganda' among minors, gays cannot express their views on gay rights issues to anyone under age...

The Daily Mail is LIVID about this!
What an incredible gay insult from the evil Russian bear!
Erm, older readers may recall the Mail was one of the strongest and most odious supporters of Britain's Section 28 - another "law banning homosexual 'propaganda' to minors."
Of course, one could say that's all in the past. 
Long, long ago.
Different times.
But have a look at the Mail Online's search engine and try and figure out when the homophobic hypocrites at the Mail ever stopped.

Why a cynic might think their supposed concern for LGBT Rights in Russia is a load of baloney and a crude propaganda exercise...


  1. I think this is a false comparison.

    1. Try looking through the Mail's search engine for other British stories.

  2. I don't.
    They condemn Putin for the same thing they cover in a UK context without any condemnation.
    It's pure hypocrisy.

  3. "Why a cynic might think their supposed concern for LGBT Rights in Russia is a load of baloney and a crude propaganda exercise..."

    I can certainly buy that about the Daily Mail.

    But there is something quite weird and sad about your own crude equating of the seriousness of the homophobia of one country's newspaper with the seriousness of the homophobia of an actual state.

    In fact you don't even really equate Britain and Russia - every time you post on this subject there is wish to portray Britain as worse than Russia, even though the conditions in Russia for LGBT people currently and historically are clearly much worse.

    You try to make up for this obvious difference by going on about 'hypocrisy' and how laws here used to be etc but that is meaningless in terms of improving the situation of LGBT people anywhere here and now.

    What's worse is that you try jokily to present Putin as a great and unhomophobic bloke, while you can still rightly denounce as bigots British people who have the same prejudices as Putin but don't actually go as far in word or deeds.

    I suppose one can afford to be more indulgent - admiring, in your case - of repressively homophobic states that one does not live in.

  4. Sorry??? When have I portrayed Britain as worse than Russia?
