Thursday, 23 January 2014

Brighton: Pink Sunshine

Brighton should appear on the shipping forecast every morning thanks to its sunny weather, the Prime Minister has said, as he mocked a Ukip councillor who blamed storms on gay marriage.

David Cameron taunted David Silvester, a Ukip councillor who said Britain had been “beset by storms” since the passing of new laws on gay marriage, saying Brighton, which has a large gay community, has a “superb microclimate”.

Simon Kirby, Conservative MP for Brighton Kemptown, said: "I am incredibly proud to represent a large gay community in my constituency. Would you agree with me that despite the views of some that the weather in Brighton is nearly always very sunny?"

Mr Cameron replied: "You are quite right - Brighton does have this superb microclimate that people should be encouraged to take advantage of.

"You stand up for all your constituents with great vim and vigour and I think in reward it would only be fair if Brighton Kemptown was actually put in place on the shipping forecast somewhere between Dover and Wight. I think we should get a reflection of this every morning."

Simon Kirby is Fagburn's MP.

Kirby is a former anarchist and now a Tory, I wish him dead - and he never replies to my emails.

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