Friday, 24 December 2010

Richard Littlejohn: Irony Takes Own Life

Is it worth even documenting that Richard Littlejohn has used his column in the Daily Mail to defend some homophobic Christian cranks?
'Happy Christmas, now call off the war on Christians'
Like a kid's Christmas stocking, Littlejerk managed to cram just about everything into this one.
That Xmas Is Evil poster, Islam4UK, Luton, Wooton Basset, ‘yuman rites’ legislation, "spiteful gay bigots", "a small seaside boarding-house", "a British Airways worker", "a ­modest crucifix", "a devout Christian registrar who objects to conducting civil partnerships", "a Christian NHS worker who faces the sack for ­giving a colleague a booklet about the potential dangers of abortion..."
As Littledick's rants go, it's actually quite reasonable;
"I’m not advocating turning the clock back to the 1950s, just pleading for a little goodwill all round. What’s so funny about peace, love and understanding?"
Richard Littlejohn asking what's so funny about peace, love and understanding!
You couldn't make it up.

1 comment:

  1. He forgets his own message of goodwill rather quickly, and writes the following in the same column..

    Watch out, he's behind you...

    The preposterous Labour MP Chris Bryant — famous for ­posing in grubby underpants and posting explicit, foul-mouthed chat-up lines on a gay dating website — squeals that George Osborne is guilty of ‘homophobia’ for comparing him to a pantomime dame. Pathetic.
    For the record, Boy George was responding to a lame jibe from ­Bryant, who called the Chancellor ‘Baron Hardup’ during a debate over spending cuts.
    How typical of this preening little creep to play the victim card when he’s been upstaged.

    Bryant should stick to his day job as Westminster’s Widow Twankey.
