Sunday, 5 December 2010

Liberace: Candelabra In The Wind

Michael Douglas has reportedly signed up to play Liberace in a big budget biopic directed by Steven Soderbergh.
The screenplay is based on Behind The Candelabra - My Life With Liberace, written by Lee's last lover, Scott Thorson.
His yumminess Matt Damon is set to play Thorson.
The book focuses on Lee's relationship with his much younger lover (I'm sure Douglas can empathise), their separation - and an infamous "gaylimoney" case - and Liberace's denial about and then death from Aids.
Despite his very public denials of being gay, Liberace always seemed like a queer hero to Fagburn.
Maybe the new film will reposition him as a gay martyr, but of a very different colour to that Oscar-magnet Harvey Milk.
In a strange piece of synchronicity, Sacha Baron Cohen is to play Freddie Mercury, the other big name musical loss to Aids, in a new film scripted by Peter Morgan.
The 19th anniversary of Freddie's death was marked by BBC World Service's Witness where his personal assistant, Peter Freestone, remembered his last days.


  1. Imagine....a shirtless Mattadore
    poolside by moonlight
    twirling a red silk shirt
    around his motorcycle helmet-for-bull
    doing a moc ballet
    to Liberace plaing Malaguena!


  3. Matt--adore...................
    Do a Elton John biopic !!!!!!!!@!!

  4. Flamenco Tanka....

    Shirtless Matt-adore,
    Whirl your bike helmet-for-bull,
    Twirl your red silk shirt,
    Pool-side by moonlight, ballet,
    Lee key-dance Malaguena !
