Tuesday 5 January 2016

Tom & Dustin: How Long Til The Curse Of Out Magazine Strikes Again?

An interview with the two young and much,much older lovers that will make you barf warm your heart - Out magazine.

Won't last - they've forgotten about that frying pan already.

PS And that slightly disturbing photo that everyone's talking about!

Feel free to make-up your own cruel photocaption, or nick one off Twitter.


  1. Hopefully the cheque from the frying pan company will clear soon and Dustin can get a professional haircut. :(

  2. The pose in that photo is kind of sexy in that Dustin is dressed in a suit and Tom's in the nud, but everything about the execution just seems wrong. Why are they staring so freakily? And the photoshop is appalling, particularly the way Tom's head seems to separate from his body.
