Tuesday 26 January 2016

Brian Paddick: Not A Fucking Faggot Shock

A CABBIE accused of shouting homophobic abuse at gay peer Baron Brian Paddick was cleared yesterday after claiming the retired police chief branded him fat.

Kevin McAnallen, 53, was accused of calling the Lib Dem a "f***ing faggot" after he and his husband, Petter Belsvick, crossed the road in front of his black cab.

Baron Paddick, 57, claimed McAnallen, who has been a taxi driver for 24 years, slammed on the brakes and yelled: "Why don't you look where you are going?"

The life peer allegedly replied: "Why don't you show more patience?"

He told magistrates that when he and his husband of seven years walked away the cabbie pulled up and shouted: "You f***ing faggot."

But McAnallen was cleared of a public order offence after insisting he simply told the failed London Mayoral candidate: "F*** off you mug." ...

McAnallen said: "He came up to me and got very aggressive, but said, 'Why don't you f*** off you fat c***.'...

The Sun.

Although we can't be sure exactly what went on here, Fagburn notes that Brian Paddick is a serial complainer, and would probably accuse an empty crisp packet of calling him 'a f**cking faggot'.


  1. "But y'are, Blanche! Y'are!!!"

    1. Exactly. I can't see anything technically inaccurate in this piece. Can one not shout anything these days without getting in the Sun newspaper.
