Monday 7 December 2015

Chemsex: Scary

This scary [sic] and explicit documentary from William Fairman and Max Gogarty tackles [sic] what could be gay men’s biggest health crisis for 30 years [sic] – a hidden explosion [sic] in what it calls “chemsex”, the new urban scene in promiscuous multiple-partner sex combined with needle-use drugs, often openly welcoming HIV-positive sex and unsafe sex [sic]. a regressive [sic], infantilised [sic] culture [sic] that is taking young gay men away from openness [sic] and towards furtive addiction [sic].

The Guardian.

This grimly [sic] fascinating doc, made for the website VICE, looks at the way synthetic drug use in London's gay community has rocketed [sic], mirrored by the HIV-positive rate [sic]. Over a calendar year, the film-makers invited gay men to discuss their experiences.

What becomes apparent [sic] is that sex and drugs have become intertwined. "The average number of partners… between five and 15 people per weekend," [sic] one interviewee notes of how promiscuity has risen [sic].

The filmmakers, having gained very intimate access, deal in a questioning but sympathetic fashion with the "chemsex" phenomenon and with the largely unacknowledged health emergency [sic] it has caused [sic].

The Independent.


Why bother reviewing the film when you can just repeat the press release you were handed out?

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