Wednesday 8 June 2011

Terence Rattigan: Secret Love

The BBC continues to mark the centenary of - newly rehabilitated - playwright Terence Rattigan with the third part of Radio 4's The Rattigan Versions, and the great and sympatico Mark Lawson interviewing Adrian Brown, director and Rattigan's lover in the 50s.
A fascinating glimpse into closeted gay life in Wolfenden-era Britain - Brown describes always having to walk a few steps behind his boyfriend - which the deeply closeted Terence Rattigan now seems to typify.
(Rattigan's old Brighton house is just round the corner from Fagburn Mansions, incidentally).


  1. Sympatico?
    Mark Lawson!?

    I never got that impression.

  2. It don't mean he's a gayer...

  3. Oh.
    ha ha.
    I assumed the fact it was italicised meant you were winking and nudging, as it were. :p

  4. It's italicised as it's yer actual foreign!

  5. ah, yes that makes more sense...
