Monday 30 May 2011

Summer Rites: Best Press Release EVER!!!

Worth reprinting this beautifully written press release in full, I think.
Words fail me - like they seem to have failed whoever wrote this gobbledygook.

From the people that bought you Summer Rites and Soho Pride, are pleased to announce London’s newest openly Gay park event of this summer! Summer Rites Remix will be held in an intimate park in London’s trendiest Shoreditch on Sunday July 10th 2011.
Summer Rites Remix is Wayne Shires and Kim Lucas’s “ One Off Openly Gay music & Clubbing festival”.
They probably hold the most genuine profile on the London Gay scene for the last 2 decades, with more than 25 years experience in created cultural brands, hosting bars & clubs and the 2 best London’s original gay boutique brand festival ( Summer Rites) and street-party (Soho Pride) London’s ever had with an overall captivated audience of over a million!…they are at it again!
SRR is to combine the best elements of what London has to offer from and for the Gay population, focusing on London best music scene and live performances spread across dance tents, stages and including food and drink stalls, to make it all the necessary elements for the a new Gay Boutique Festival in a park!
Only with a 10,000 short capacity, this will make it the London’s most exclusive public and cheapest live event and the luckiest will be able to get tickets which will go on sale late spring at a reasonable £15 for a short time only... this event will sell out, so go to our Facebook / twitter profile (LINK) now to sign up for your ticket alert notification, and pass it onto your friends!
The Gay community is by far the less affected by the double dip recession, but are very selective about their market offering and favourite brand association. SRR is aim to provide an excellent showcase for your brand via direct marketing and intensive local and national media campaign, viral marketing and branding / product sampling at the event itself...
Its time London had a new Openly Gay outdoor music event that reflects London as it is today. London is the most exiting and forward thinking, trend leading capital in Europe… And as they achieved for the last 2 decade, SRR team will do just that again !

Thanks to Howupsetting for the tip-off. x


  1. "The Gay community is by far the less affected by the double dip recession, but are very selective about their market offering and favourite brand association."

    Fucking tossers.

  2. Stop yer bitchin'!
    I think its time London had a new Openly Gay outdoor music event that reflects London as it is today!
    So there.

  3. No fucker who actually speaks English ever read that through before pressing 'send'.

    No wonder these sort of events keep going bankrupt. If they can't write, what's the chance they can add up?
