Thursday 12 May 2011

George Michael Watch: Bonkers As A Box Of Gay Budgies?

"I'm looking to work with gay and gay-friendly artists. It will be a gay collective with some songs sung by myself and some songs by unknown gay artists.
"I have a serious problem with the fact that every time I made a big mistake, I definitely felt I was letting young gay people down because of the homophobia that was thrown at me and the wording of that homophobia.
"My next album will seek to correct the damage I inadvertently caused by making myself so newsworthy and, because I am so high-profile, leaving no room for young kids to protect themselves from that language. I have plans to do this to help gay children. We're notoriously bad as a community in helping children, because we don't have our own children."

George Michael, speaking at a press conference.
Due to the magic of shorthand there's an alternative quote here.
"I have a really serious problem with the fact that when I brought myself down, I felt I was letting young gay kids down. My behaviour meant these kids suffered abuse and the homophobic language that is legal in this country."

• 'George Michael's sense that he's let young gay people down is misplaced: no apology is needed' Paul Flynn, The Guardian

1 comment:

  1. Everything he says seemed to be sort of okay, until "We're notoriously bad as a community in helping children, because we don't have our own children."

