Tuesday 5 April 2011

The Taxpayers' Alliance: Save Our Cuts! (Supported By The Pink Paper)

"The British political right is preparing to fight back against anti-cuts protests by staging its first pro-cuts demonstration, in central London next month, in a move that has provoked comparisons to the US Tea Party movement.
"The Rally Against Debt, on 14 May, is being organised by activists including the Taxpayers' Alliance group, which is backed by Tory donors," reports The Guardian.
Oh dear...
The Taxpayers' Alliance are reactionary rent-a-quotes who can always be counted on by the right-wing press to express their "fury" at any public money being spent on something related to lesbians and gay men.
Examples are far too numerous to list here, but why not visit their website and enter "gay" in the search engine for six pages of scare stories.
Or just Google "taxpayers alliance gay" to find them slamming "gay lessons", gay rights, gay pride events, gay quizzes, and that old favourite; "luxury gay junkets".
And how fantastic that a story from The Pink Paper - 'Gay lesson plan blasted as nonsense by MP' - can be presented by the Taxpayers' Alliance in support of their anti-gay far right agenda.
Fagburn asks again; why does the gay press not challenge homophobic stories in the right-wing press, but just retells them with the same stupid spin, giving further ammunition to our enemies?

The Other TaxPayers' Alliance has been formed to counter TPA disinformation - they campaign for "fairer taxes, not lower taxes". The graphic is taken from the OTPA website.


  1. The Pink Paper headline was arguably worse - the Telegraph put "gay lessons" in quote marks.
    The Pink Paper did not - http://news.pinkpaper.com/NewsStory/4692/23/1/2011/Gay-lesson-plans-blasted-as-nonsense-by-MP.aspx

  2. They're fucking dangerous, because everyone expects this shit from the right-wing press but if it's coming from the gay press too we're fucked.
    The Pink Paper is more of an enemy than Stephen fucking Green.

  3. I think they're just really thick and lazy.
    Terrible they seem to get away with it.

    Stephen Green seems to have stopped being asked to give his thoughts on THE GAYS after the allegations of wifebeating and child abuse.

    Wonder if even the Express and the Mail now think he's untouchable?

  4. One of the most interesting things about the TPA is that their founder isn't actually a British taxpayer. He lives in France to avoid paying tax here. So their real name should be 'The tax avoiders alliance'. Lying bastards. They can fuck off as far as I am concerned, and take that nasty David Cameron with them. Just sayin'
