Monday 14 March 2011

Thoughts For The Day: Jim Davidson

...I scold, you’re a menace. You really shouldn’t go around calling people “shirt-lifters” on telly (as he did on Hell’s Kitchen in 2007).
“Why?” he protests. “All my friends who are gay call each other ‘poof’.”
Some of my black mates call each other the n-word, I say, but they’d be shocked if I did it too. Comedy pause. “Well, get some different friends, then,” he scoffs. “How precious is that? ‘I can call myself a n***** and you can’t’...”
“Just ask any gay man who knows me if I’m homophobic,” he says. “That’s how you stand up and be counted.”
Whatever, I say. Bandying the word “shirt-lifter” around as an insult on primetime telly isn’t on. Thanks to systematic bullying with words like that and “poof”, a gay teenager is four times more likely to commit suicide than his straight peers. “Why?” asks Davidson, genuinely confused. “Is it because of the state of all the bloody ugly men in Britain?”

Jim Davidson, interviewed in The Sunday Times. He's adorable, isn't he?
Davidson is currently promoting his first play, Stand Up And Be Counted, about a washed-up old school bigoted comedian (played by himself), appearing at an Aids benefit where he is challenged backstage by a black alternative comic and a gay TV producer. The audience also hear the comic confess how his bullying drove his gay son to suicide... The Guardian's two star review here.
The play maybe Davidson's mea culpa and attempt to show he's a changed man, but in interviews like the one above he does seem keen to fling both feet firmly in his mouth.

1 comment:

  1. Mr Davidson has just announced he has cancelled the tour because of poor ticket sales.
