Thursday 17 March 2011

Glee: Spoiler Alert!!!

"So homosexuals = 1% of the US population, but are somehow part of 90% of tv/movie plotlines. Are there any tv series left that don't have a character identified as homosexual? Why aren't the Eskimos and American Indians in alllll the plotlines? They have no representation at all despite making up the same percentage of population. Are the writers anti-Eski? Or just really determined that homosexuality should be the all-consuming central focus of society?"

MWeather, Daily Mail reader and statistician.
From the comments section after the Mail's story about Glee's Kurt and Blaine's first kiss.
The Mail headline; 'At Last! Glee's Kurt finally shares a kiss with his crush Blaine'
It must be TORTURE writing for The Daily Mail these days.
Not knowing whether to write for the readers that like/love The Gays or pander to the homophobic prejudices of the others.
Maybe they could have asked the Christian Institute how disgusted they are at a so-called family newspaper printing this filth?
Of the first 25 readers' comments posted today, only three are from gaybashers.
One was a variation on an old classic; "Not a TV show goes by these days without a gay story in it. It seem they want to promote this lifestyle to our young generation as early as possible. We must wonder, why?"
Most were just angry that the Mail hadn't run a Spoiler Alert as this episode won't air in the UK for several weeks.
Fagburn's favourite comment; "Well, he's not getting to stay at my B&B now..."


  1. It's a beautiful scene, I think. Both Darren Criss and Chris Colfer are excellent in it. The latter's performance is really understated.
    I've watched it quite a few times, tragically, and still think it's really moving. Wonderful.
    [wipes tear]

    Due to Channel 4's bizarre scheduling of Glee I've completely lost track of what's happening in it, sadly...

    The Daily Mail does seem a bit schizophrenic in its attempt to cater to both its sane and its insane readers.

  2. Who are these sane daily mail readers? Can i meet them?

  3. It's a show about a musical theatre, (or a show choir to be more accurate) written by an openly gay writer and so I don't think it unreasonable to include a gay plot line or two!

    Glee has been widely praised for tackling the issue of homophobia in schools really well. Altogether I think it just goes to show the spectacularly low level of intelligence that Daily Mail readers have!
