Saturday, 3 July 2010

Roger Lewis: I Can't Believe They're Not Bummers

Fagburn has been thinking about his list of the World's queeniest straight men.
He has spent many a happy hour this year reading Roger Lewis's Seasonal Suicide Notes - that's him being rather camp in the photo. Roger is fucking hilarious and Fagburn first came across him (Please!) when he read his biography of Charles Hawtrey, The Man Who Was Private Widdle.
You learn from Seasonal Suicide Notes that Lewis is happily married. He's definitely straight - the bit where he goes on about one of his son's girlfriend's "wonderful jugs" rather gives it away.
But you also learn that he's best chums - not of the bum variety - with the equally implausibly heterosexual Gyles Brandeth and Francis Wheen.
Birds of a feather, eh?
Clive Anderson, that's another one.

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