Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Brüno's Gaybashing Friends Sued

Self-confessed gay journalist, Mike Skiff, is suing Sacha Baron Cohen claiming he was assaulted by members of his film crew during location filming for Brüno in 2008, according to TMZ.
Seems Mr Baron Cohen didn't like Mr Skiff outing him when he appeared in character at a pro-gay demonstration in California against Proposition 8 - which proposed banning gay marriage in the state.
TMZ also claim the lawsuit alleges members of the Brüno crew "carried 'Yes on Proposition 8' signs contrived for the sole purpose of inciting and sparking unrest to enhance the dramatic effect of what they may capture for their film" - meaning they pretended to be homophobes protesting a gay rights rally to manufacture confrontation for their movie.
Only it looks like some of the crew weren't protesting.
Skiff was "physically yanked" and harrassed and intimidated by members of the film crew - Skiff filmed all this.
It makes for pretty grim viewing, especially towards the end when members of the Bruno film crew can be seen chanting "Yes to 8" at Skiff.
Interesting to note that Brüno was made by a bunch of homophobic bullyboys.
Watch Mike Skiff's film here.

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