Thursday, 17 June 2010

Gay Press: Pink Stenographers To Power

It appears that for possibly the first time in history Pink News and The Pink Paper are sharing a world exclusive scoop!!
A headline in the Pink (Paper) tells its reader/s; "Home Secretary Theresa May announces "ambitious" equality programme."
Wow! "An "ambitious" cross-government programme of work to tackle prejudice against lesbian, gay and bisexual people was set out by Minister for Women and Equalities, Theresa May, today..." announces Peter Lloyd.
Whilst over at Pink News, Jessica Geen, announces; "Home secretary and equality minister Theresa May announced an "ambitious" programme of the coalition government's LGBT policies today..."
Spot the difference? No, me neither.
No other media appear to have picked up this story, perhaps that's because it's a non-story; it's a puff press release sent to the gay press ahead of yesterday's garden party with some house-trained homos at 10 Downing Street.
You can read it in full on the Equalties Office website here.
Bar some mention of trans issues, it adds nothing to the press released Contract For Equalities "pledges" the Tories released (but only as a PDF) before the election - but didn't consider worth putting in the actual Conservative manifesto.
To mix up my metaphors rather clumsily; this is not in any possible way news, it is an echo of a whisper that sounded rather hollow in the first place.
Peter Lloyd reprints Theresa May's new press release pretty much verbatim, seemingly oblivious to its omissions.
At least Jessica Green points out that; " does not mention full marriage equality, which deputy prime minister Nick Clegg said he supported."
Which makes Fagburn wonder what influence - if any - the Lib Dems actually have in this new coalition.
Oh, and; "It also does not mention lifting the blood donation ban on gay and bisexual men, something both party leaders said they believed was unfair. Mr Cameron said before the election he agreed with changing the policy but had to wait for an independent investigation to conclude."
So it's well done to Jessica Geen for doing her job.
And not so well done to Peter Lloyd for proving that journalists don't have to work in a totalitarian state to be mere stenographers to power.

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