Sunday, 6 June 2010

EM Forster: Too Fucking Busy

One might have thought it a somewhat Herculean task to get the word "sex" into a headline about E M Forster.
But The Sunday Times have managed it today in a feature about Wendy Moffat's rather literally titled new life of E M Forster, E M Forster: A New Life.
Much is made of Moffat having access to the novelist's "sex diary" - meaning a diary which, rather demurely it seems, occasionally mention his sex life, or the lack of it.
This led to some sub-Freudian musing by Richard Brooks; "his creative drive was curbed after he lost his virginity to a wounded soldier on an Egyptian beach when he was 38 and met his long-term lover — a married policeman — several years later." Around the time he met Bob Buckingham Forster ceased writing novels.
Brooks believes that old pink chestnut that the repressed EMF had sublimated his desires and channeled it into his work.
Brookes quotes an oft quoted note from Forster; “I should have been a more famous writer if I had written or rather published more, but sex has prevented the latter.”
But writing in The Sunday Telegraph, Robert Douglas-Fairhurst argues persuasively; "His note has usually been seen as an expression of regret. Moffat makes a compelling case for thinking that it was actually a sigh of relief."
Maybe - to quote Dorothy Parker - EM Forster was just; "Too fucking busy - and vice versa."

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