Wednesday 11 November 2015

London Spy: Sun Story Not Reliable Shock

Ofcom says it is yet to launch an investigation – and has received just ONE complaint.

Scan from PN.
The Sun and Daily Mail have falsely reported that London Spy is to be investigated says the broadcasting watchdog...

Claims that the BBC received thirteen complaints have been rubbished by Ofcom.

The broadcasting watchdog contacted PinkNews to reveal they are yet to launch an investigation – after receiving just a single complaint.

"We’ve received one complaint about London Spy on BBC Two. We will assess this complaint before deciding whether to investigate or not,” an Ofcom spokesman told PinkNews.

Ofcom also clarified that their rules do not discriminate between scenes involving opposite sex and same sex couples...


Well done Pink News, who, when a tabloid invents an OUTRAGE! after a few people out of millions who watched a programme contacted Ofcom or took to Twitter to complain about some gayers being on TV, usually obediently and unquestioningly repeat such errant nonsense! *

Truly this is an historic day for gay journalism.

PS That's a lovely picture of our Ben, isn't it? Like something by Caravaggio...

Update: The online version of The Sun story has now been 'updated'.

* Type 'Ofcom' into PN's search engine to see these zingers - or on Gay Star News'.

Update: An eagle-eyed viewer has pointed out Pink News did originally just regurgitate the Sun's nonsense story unchallenged as per!

LOL! etc. xxx


  1. Trouble is that PN did unquestioningly repeat the allegations (see their twitter feed and the URL of their updated story)

    1. HAHAHAHAHA!!!

      That'll learn me - it was too good to be true.


