Saturday 31 December 2011

Letters To The Guardian: Still Okay For Guardian Readers To Think Trans People Are A Joke

My American friend's family specialise in embarrassing other family members when they meet them at airports (Many happy returns, Weekend, 24 December). My favourite was when one of the brothers was met by his family holding up a big sign reading "We loved you as Victoria – we'll love you as Victor".

Carole Gray
Bishops Stortford, Hertfordshire

The Guardian.

I'm appalled The Guardian ran this as a "funny".
You, too?
Contact The Guardian readers' editor
The office is closed til January 3rd, but you can contact the letter writer directly on  and politely ask her why she thinks this is funny.

1 comment:

  1. Better off working towards equality and respect for trans people, rather than worrying about some idiots' idea of a joke - even The Guardian, imo.
    As long as my rights are equal and no fucker stops me trying to live my life how I want because of my sexuality, they can make all the jokes about me/being gay they like - they're still cunts, though, even only for the fact the joke is shit and unimaginative... :)
