Thursday 22 December 2011

Hip-Hop: Gay Cliché

The Guardian has just published a (short) article about Hip-Hop and homophobia!
Well, it has been two weeks since the last one.
Apparently, the Hip-Hop has always had an "uneasy relationship" with homosexuality, but in 2011 it see vtb;kjldbvklaguyked#'io,

Oh sorry about that.
I must have fallen asleep.


  1. Teh hiphoppers and the reggists dunt like teh gheys, does they?

    David Starkey

  2. Hey,

    HipHop recording sensation Provy Suflayy released his first single off his upcoming album!!

    'A Star Burnin Brite' features New Zealand's " best kept secret" Kiwi artist Rachel Schryvers.

    Go buy now on iTunes and other fine online retailers for only .99 cents!!

    Check out the music video now on youtube!!
