Tuesday 20 December 2011

Hackgate: Pleased, Glad, Grateful

"I am pleased that News International have expressed their regret for the distress caused to me over phone hacking and have agreed substantial compensation.
"I'm glad, after a long period, this issue is finally resolved and I'm able to understand better the actions taken against me by the media.
"I'm grateful to the current team at News International for trying to put wrongs right and settle this honourably.
"Thanks also to Charlotte Harris, my lawyer, for bringing this to my attention in the first place. I will, of course, continue to assist the police and Leveson inquiry with their investigations."

Statement by "disgraced" former Liberal Democrat MP Mark Oaten.
No coverage of this says when he was hacked - in 2006, the time Oaten was outed by The News Of The World for having sex with rent boys - and engaging in acts "too disgusting to be described in a family newspaper" - or after?
News International also settled claims brought by Calum Best, Paul Dage, James Hewitt, Ulrika Jonsson, Michelle Milburn and Abi Titmuss.
Mr Oaten is currently chief executive of the International Fur Trade Association and is available for public speaking engagements.


  1. Eww spokesman for the fur trade?? What a shitty job. He must be a real shit to whore himself out to the fur trade. Typical mp.

  2. Not the first time "Mark Oaten" and "shit" have been in the same sentence...

    Mark Oaten?
    Mark Shit-eatin', MORE LIKE!!!
