Friday, 25 February 2011

Johann Hari: Can We Talk About Racism On The Gay Scene Now?

'Can we talk about Muslim homophobia now?' asks Johann Hari in his column in the latest issue of Attitude.
You can read the article on Hari's website.
As ever with Hari, it's an interesting piece, striving to be measured, but in this case not quite succeeding.
It's hardly a fucking secret that some Muslims are homophobic, is it love?
Can we talk about homophobia among non-Muslims?
Or about Islamophobia among gay men?
I'm a bit tired of gay journalists saying they're breaking some great taboo when they just vomit up tired and stupid cliches.
It also really frightens Fagburn how any mention of Muslims and homophobia makes some really dodgy gay scumbags come crawling out the woodwork.
Entirely coincidentally GMFA have launched a new campaign today - Switched On - to tackle racism on the gay scene.
Good timing, I think.

Update: Right-wing hack Andrew Gilligan blogs on the right-wing Daily Telegraph on Sunday about how he hates those homophobic Muslims.
He seems to be broadly in agreement with much of what Mr Hari said...

Edit: I can not recall hearing about the attack on The George & Dragon in January 2010, nor can I find any mention of it on the internet - can anyone send Fagburn a news report about it? It is known however that someone closely involved with the George & Dragon is a vocal supporter of the English Defence League...


  1. I can see you gave speaking to them early on, the problem is if we're going to progress as a society, people need to be more level-headed, and less emotive, which they aren't. :(

  2. Agreed.
    People go nuts over this, sadly.

  3. Agree that Islamophobia is too casual with gay men.

  4. Good piece Fagburn!
    Well said.

  5. Dumbo Johann Hari thought it'd be good idea to invade Irag to defeat Islamists. Like that worked out
