Thursday, 24 February 2011

The King's Speech: If These Walls Could Talk They'd Moan

A story that some of the scenes in The King's Speech - sorry, "Oscar front-runner The King's Speech..." - were filmed in the same London building as a gay porn film has gone viral and global.
The story was broken by gay smut site, QueerClick, yesterday.
Today you can read all about it everywhere from Guardian Film to something called ("The Car Hire Comparisons Search Engine").
Though the journalist for may have been moonlighting from Psychic News; "When people think of the Academy Award winning movie The King’s Speech, most people do not think of gay porn..."
I guess it must be a delight in the incongruities that's made this such a popular story - posh and porno, king and queens, high versus low, middle-brow meets gutter.
And the fact that few words in English are guaranteed to drive more traffic to your website than "gay" and "porn" is of course a massive boner bonus.

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