Monday 15 February 2016

Poppers Ban: The Fightback Begins

The UK's biggest poppers manufacturer has vowed to fight the legal high ban on the product he has made for 35 years.

John Addy, 67, manufacturers two millions of bottles of the recreational drug every year, but has kept a low profile.

He has now decided to speak out to fight parliamentary plans to ban its sale.

Mr Addy says he decided to talk after gay Tory MP Crispin Blunt, a former prisons minister, gained nationwide attention by admitting in a Commons debate that he used poppers – a drug that enjoys legendary popularity with gay men.

He says the chemicals are sniffed to gain a brief ‘head rush’ and can be used used to facilitate sex.

Mr Addy used to run the gay nightclub Gemini in Huddersfield and has a background in chemistry.

He said he was worried about the possibility of the drug being banned when a new bill – the Psychoactive Substances Bill – comes into force on April 1.

After then sex shop proprietors will face up to seven years’ jail for selling them, reports the Examiner...


Older readers may recall John used to write a most odd 'celebrity gossip' column in the early days of Gay Times.

His nickname was 'Me And', due to his love of name-dropping.

Here she is, on the left, back in the day with some top showbiz pals...


  1. I remember Mr Addy very well. He used to swan into Gay News with his Harrods bags and a gang of young girls, as if he was the Queen of Sheba. He had many celebrity friends, including Su Pollard. He has made millions from the gay community over the years and, apparently owns Huddersfield.

  2. Addy rode in a Rolls Royce when the Pride march was moved to Huddersfield in 1981. Something I may have had a hand in ...

    I see you're not running the Coda Story piece. Coward.
