Sunday 27 April 2014

Uganda: Praise Continues To Pour In For Brave Gay Millionaire Who Planted A Rainbow Flag On A Mountain As Part Of A Bespoke Travel Package

Current price guide for brave millionaire gay businessmen who want to go on a swanky package holiday where they can end up taking a photo of themselves atop some hill in Uganda and make believe it's about changing things that really matter.


Let's hope none of the little native people who died working for people like you died like they did in the Himalayas last week!

Gap year politics as a career, yah?


 A reply there cometh: There was no press release and no mention of my company in the letter to Museveni, which was posted on Facebook. The addition of details, such as my company, were gathered from my Facebook profile.

Soz, mate.

1 comment:

  1. My fucking hero. (just getting that comment in before you're pounced on by gay twats)
