Tuesday 22 January 2013

President Obama: You Had A Wet Dream

Coverage of the second inaugural speech by President Obama - Dear Leader of the Free World etc - was so fawning I trust the North Koreans were taking notes.
Gay bloggers and journalists of the knicker-wetting tendency got rather over-excited because... he mentioned The Gays! *

"Our journey is not complete until our gay brothers and sisters are treated like anyone else under the law – for if we are truly created equal, then surely the love we commit to one another must be equal as well."

Later invoking/mentioning-in-passing the Stonewall riots - sans irony - once more we are told that gay liberation now means gay marriage.
Give me a long-term committed relationship recognised by the state, or give me death!
Of course, in the midst of America's "guns, god and gays" kulturkampf this is hardly meaningless.
But do such nice platitudes and rousing rhetoric - essentially a single sentence plus one word - mean we can and must forgive and forget all else Obama has done.
As with David Cameron, support for equal marriage is a "progressive/liberal" totem which covers a multitude of sins.
One of the few party poopers pissing in the punchbowl was The Onion; Obama Begins Inauguration Festivities With Ceremonial Drone Flyover

WASHINGTON—Taking the oath of office for his second term today, President Barack Obama joined thousands of supporters in the nation’s capital for traditional inauguration festivities that included a prayer invocation, a parade along Pennsylvania Avenue, and a ceremonial flyover of three combat drones. “When Obama was being sworn in on the Capitol steps, we could hear the drones screeching by overhead and everyone got really excited,” spectator Andrew Meyers, 34, said as he eagerly trained his eyes on the unmanned aerial vehicles that have taken out several hundred innocent civilians during presidentially authorized strikes in Pakistan and Yemen. “They go by super fast, but luckily there are Jumbotrons all over the National Mall, so nobody missed out. Wait, they’re coming back!” At press time, sources confirmed that inaugural celebrants were enjoying the Jumbotron’s live closed-circuit feed of the still-open prison facility at Guantánamo Bay.

Can only a court jester criticise a king?

PS The Guardian front-page above has a trail for an article about prejudice against the trans community. Presumably part of what could be a long-running mea culpa by the Guardian/Observer post-Burchillgate...

* A selection of comments from American gay pundits. Barftime!

Update: 'Obama selects his causes carefully, politically. It’s good he has, in his own understated way, paid tribute to the Stonewall uprising. I’m sure many thousands are Google-searching that term since the speech, maybe some feeling inspired by what they learn. But as we revisit the Stonewall experience, should we not also recall how the Obama administration arms the police in countries like Saudi Arabia where gays are flogged, lashed or executed? And should we not note that the campaign for gay rights, however important, is no substitute for a campaign to topple U.S. imperialism, the endless source of war?' - Gary Leupp, Counterpunch. Via @howupsetting. x

Update 2: Obama, civil rights is about legislation, not alliteration. Nancy Goldstein, Guardian Cif.


  1. What's depressing is that the same people who would've been screaming from the rooftops about how horrific some of Obama's policies are had they been overseen by Bush are now suddenly deaf and mute because it's Obama and he vocally supports the gay marries.
    That propensity to turn a blind eye to such things in exchange for something which most gay people probably don't give a fuck about is bonkers and quite scary, I think.

  2. ^ Liberals seem to be doing that more often as their viewpoint becomes the norm...
