Sunday 13 January 2013

Gaze: A Modern Review

Gaze: A Modern Review, the content of which will be gay(ish), political, cultural, diverse and above all serious.
We have a range of contributors representing a variety of political, sexual and cultural views and values, but ultimately we (the editors and the publishers) are of the Left-liberal. 
Coming soon a new publication from Square Peg Media with Managing Editors Julie Bindel and Paul Burston.
Writers include Julie Burchill, Giles Fraser, Bonnie Greer, VG Lee, Tim Teeman, Suzanne Moore, Maryam Namazie, Iman Quereshi, Gail Dines, Alex Hopkins, Andrew Pierce, Suzi Feay, Sophie Ward and many others.

That castlist is looking even more of a roll-call of reactionary cuntery after today, isn't it?
I've been trying to figure out which of these I'd describe as "of the Left-liberal" [sic].
With a few noble/token exceptions, such as Giles Fraser (who in his defence may not have known what he's signed up for), it seems like a bunch of anti-gay gay Tories and equally bigoted ego-journo tired old windbags.
Still, best not to judge til we see this exciting new online publishing venture in April, eh?
Hopefully, they'll have learned to write of the English by then.


  1. What's wrong with Bonnie Greer?

    1. "With a few notable/token exceptions..."


  2. More navel gay-zing I suspect.

    How can it be called gay(ish). It is or it isn't. Or does that mean it may be bi-ish or even trans-gender-ish?

    Another 20 year-old IT whizz-kid looking to make a killing on the interweb before gay marriage becomes legal and the world ends.

    Perhaps it is a venture, in a strange and contradictory way, by the cathorlick church or the church of england, lulling us all into a false sense of security before oblivion strikes.

    What a load of old bollocks.

  3. "I've been trying to figure out which of these I'd describe as "of the Left-liberal"

    Sophie Ward isn't an "anti-gay Tory/ego journo windbag"

    1. She will be by the time she has anything to do with this.
